Sewing with Nancy!

Recently Nancy Zieman from Sewing with Nancy, interviewed Karen Klemp and Jane Krogstad from Hope 2 Others about our organization and the work we do to help babies and mothers in developing countries. We talked with Nancy about how our organization focuses on...

Community Days Fundraiser 2017

Hope 2 Others is selling $5 booklets through Boston Store’s Community Days Fundraiser. The company has generously created this event to enable non-profit 501C3 groups and schools to raise money to support their mission. We love this fundraiser because Hope 2...

There’s still time to help in 2016

When you welcome a new child into your family, as we did last year (twins grandsons born on June 1, 2015), you realize the value of modern medical care. Even if the birth and days afterward go smoothly, you likely have a strong feeling of gratitude that medical...

Vote early and often!

Help us win up to $5,000! Vote for our videos at the Super Service Challenge. The Super Service Challenge is a nationwide movement to transform organizations through service. Each year they give away $1 million to nonprofits featured in the volunteers’ stories of...

Warehouse Miracle

As most of you know we received a notice mid-October from our current landlords that the warehouse we were renting was sold (a definite blessing for him) and that we had to be out by December 1. We immediately began to pray and seeking God’s direction. We didn’t seem...